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Farmhouse 908

EAF therapeutic renovation project

Earth Angel Farmhouse 908 was made possible by the generosity of Cliff Robinson and some much needed assistance of realtor, David Zamarelli.  EAF Farmhouse 908 located at 908 Ratliff Ave, NW, Warren, Ohio, in the heart of the northwest food desert, was built in 1926.  EAF will rehabilitate this home as a therapeutic project for all involved and the neighborhood.  Our focus will be with Veterans, those living with disabilities and anyone looking to improve their personal and community health.  


Working with skilled trades community members, our plan is to teach vocational skills, build positive relationships and make an impact on resolving social isolation.  The EAF Farmhouse 908 restoration will embrace healthy meals, green initiatives, a positive mindset, and an instilled sense of purpose.  All of those involved in the EAF Farmhouse 908 project will understand that by rehabilitating this home, they are nurturing a neighborhood and will reap the benefits of personal wellness.  

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